Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am here because there is no other place I want to be... ~ Message in a Bottle~

It has been oh so very long since I have been on here. Seriously! I am not sure if I have been avoiding this blog or what! I have gone back and read over and over again my previous posts. And oh my how life has shifted. I now find myself, a single mother of 4 beautiful girls, finding joy in my journey, and learning what is so important!

Lessons I have learned...

~ Truly it is imperative to constantly remind myself that the secret to having it all is to believe that I already do!!! ~ I find when I am sincerely grateful for what I have, even my challenges, disappointments, and heartaches, I am in bliss! I have so much more energy to live life!

~ I never truly stop loving someone, I just learn to live without them. ~ I have experienced my share of heartache, having people come in and out of my life, each one serving a purpose. From being the one to offer companionship during their time of an extreme low and heart break to having them be the one to carry me when I was down to a crazy intense, running in the rain amazing connection to filling a void to learning to love my girl's daddy with all my heart for who he is without trying to change him has enabled me to feel free and open to a wonderful friendship with him, he is truly one of my closest friends! I continue to be grateful and acknowledge the experiences I have had with them and the lessons I have learned!

~ If I worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, I very well could miss what is... ~ This lesson has been challenging. To truly live in the moment! Not only to "accept" what is, to LOVE what is! "I, not events, have the power to make me happy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." ~ Groucho Marx

~ "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Lao Tzu ~ And continuing to love someone despite their beliefs & actions is divine. It truly is all about L-O-V-E!!
People take different roads to seek fulfillment and happiness, just because their road isn't the same as yours doesn't mean they are lost. It would be sad to miss a connection, have an impact or benefit from being in someone's space due to judgements of how one should live.

"Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy... because we will always want to have something else or something more." ~ David Steindl-Rast

Monday, February 16, 2009

Adorable things:

When Grandpa Bob was in the hospital, I took my girls up to see him and was talking to them about him dying and what things they might say to him...things like how they felt about him, what nice things he did for them, etc. And my adorable Savanna Rae, asks, "Can I ask Grandpa Bob to tell Jesus 'Hi' for me?" Savanna running out of preschool into my arms, screaming, "Mommy."

Brandon telling me when he has been gone on a trip, how much he misses my feet on him at night, even if they are cold. Brandon teasing me about everything and anything. Something breaking and knowing Brandon can fix it, can fix anything, My personal handy man! Sometimes I make him wear his tool belt without his shirt...shh. Brandon dunking over a boy with small man syndrom. Watching Brandon play basketball, many nights a week. Having our girls cheer, "Gooooo Daddy."

Saydee Jo's obsession with Snow White. Wearing her Snow White dress and shoes, everyday, everywhere, anytime. Having to sneak it away from her at night to wash it. And when asked when she turned 3, her response is "At DisneyLand." Saydee Jo saying "me want to too."

Sami Kay writing songs and always wanting to perform in front of an audience, her sisters. Sami packing her purse up for everywhere we go, not matter how short the trip. Samantha doing homework, practicing reading and coming home from school so excited that she passed off another reader! That gleam in her eyes that says..."I did it!"

Monday, February 9, 2009

I am constantly reminded the secret to having it all...is believing you already do!

It is 2009 and it truly is a beautiful life! I have a beautiful family. I am in love with my adorable husband, Brandon! We have been married for almost 6 years! We have built a great life together with three beautiful girls. Samantha Kay is the smartest Little 5 year old Princess! Savanna Rae, Miss LITTLE SuNsHInE herself, is 4! And then there is Saydee Jo, who is 3 and has absolutely no fear!!! Does anyone know how to have boys? We need two! Okay, we'll settle for one! Maybe we have one on the way, #4 is due June 22. So, we will see...

Everyday is filled with gratitude, challenges, spontaneous laughter, dress up, singing and dancing! Oh I can't forget dancing...did I say dancing already?

A fun little survery:

Who would you like to meet?... It would be incredible to meet Mr. Hottie Kyle, my all time favorite Jazz player only 2nd to Jeff Hornaseck, can do better 88% FT shooter, deep, complex and artistic Korver.

I truly would love to meet, Matthew, stop my heart, McConaughey! (shirt or no shirt, deodorant or not...I'll take him, all natural)

And Mr. Bret, Rock of Love, Michaels would be a treat to meet too! Let's not forget, Terry, all time favorite, could possibly be the best, quarterback, Bradshaw, but I will pass on meeting him in his naked room!
Mr. Justin, who brings my sexy back, Timberlake! Fine fellow!

For my girls sake, I need to meet Barney, the Dinosaur who looks great in purple, Hannah, aka Miley Cyrus and singing sensation, Montana and the entire cast of High School Musical!!!

What are your interests? ... When is the next scrapbook expo? Show me the season Jazz tickets. Please let Brandon & I win at least one fantasy football league game. I need to know when Gymboree is having their next big sale. Give us a lake, and you will find our boat pulling someone behind it, either boarding, skating, surfing or maybe even tubing! And let me tell you, I love being a taxi driver, from preschool, to dance, to soccer, to gymnastics, to ...no wonder I love it!!!

What is playing on the radio at any given time?...My radio has been taken over by Disney and my CD player has been bombarded with "Litte People" albums. Songs like "Where is thumbkin" or "Mr Sun".
However, when the station gets changed or the CD "accidently" gets thrown out the window, I am down with anything! I am also stuck in the 80s, there is no other music good enough. And not to mention the hair bands, Motley Crue, KISS, Poison, Ratt, AC/DC, Aerosmith, etc. Hey, I'm not afraid to say that I am an old school, rocker chic.

What are your favorite TV shows? ... All programming at the Pehrson household is trumped by a Jazz Game, Football Game, or the FINAL round of a golf tournament.

What are your favorite movies?...All time favorites: Dumb and Dumber, Happy Gilmore, Tommy Boy, Rudy, Sweet Home Alabama, Italian Job, Top Gun, Gladiator and lets not forget all the John Candy classics, esp Great Outdoors or Adam Sandler movies, except Little Mickie. And yet again, I have to go back the 80s and the classic Brat Pack movies.

I'm a sucker for romance though...Notebook, and anything that has my favorite Mr. Matthew in them, Failure to Launch, Wedding Planner, How to loose a Guy...wow I'm getting flushed just thinking about them.

What do you like to read?... All Time Favorite: The Work and the Glory...all nine special collector edition volumes. The Kingdom and the Crown Trilogy. What can I say, I am a fan of Gerald Lund. Not to mention anything written by Nicholas Sparks is fabulous.

Recently read: There's a Wocket in my Pocket, by Dr. (the man) Suess.
5 Laws and the Twighlight Series are recent additions to my library.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Oh Boy Am I Grateful

It seems as though this summer I have been given many opportunities to be grateful for the wonderful life I have been blessed with. This week was not an exception, especially in a more physical, tangible, possession kind of way. As many may or may not know, we have taken the opportunity to allow three girls from Tawau, Malaysa come live with us for a year.

While my parents were on their mission is Malaysa, they met, baptized, and/or activated these young ladies. During Brandon and I's visit to Tawau, we were able to see first hand, how and where these girls lived and what challenges they face every day. When it was proposed that these girls be given an opportunity to come to America to study, there was no question in my mind, where they would stay.

As the months turned to weeks and weeks turned to days, it seemed that the preparations turned to anxiety, and anxiety turned to stress. Money and funds that seemed endless, soon began to dwindle and finally began to run out. Only to discover that these girls, ages 18, 19 and 20, came to America with only one small suitcase, the 24" that we usually use as carryon, is all that each of them came with.

Upon their arrival and their attempt to unpack, only to discover that they had shoes, pants, bras and shirts stolen. They get what little they have stolen. And bless their little hearts, after the shock, they said, "Well I guess someone else needed them things more than me."

And here, I have been stressed that I don't have matching comforters for them.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Emergency Room

Yesterday, I had the exhausting pleasure of spending the entire afternoon in the Emergency Room of St. Marks Hospital. We are finishing our basement in preparation of 3 Malaysian girls coming to live with us. More on that later. Among the many 2x4s being carried in, Little Saydee Jo got one dropped on her toes by Savanna Rae trying to be a big helper. Saydee's little toe, was almost completely cut off.

We went to the Instacare where we took her when she broke her arm, and they practically turned us away. They indicated that were not equipped to treat children in her age group, because they would not be able to sedate her. So I chose to take her to St. Marks.

After nearly 2 hours in the waiting room, we were escorted to a room, where we waited for another 2 hours to see the doctor. As Saydee, lay in the bed and being such a trooper. I realized how extremely lucky we have been. We have not had to do the ER thing until now. After, xrays were taken, it was time for the Lidocane.

I could tell that the doctor and nurse were bracing themselves for the worse. But my little Saydee was so brave. She did not kick, scream and barely cried, only during the second shot. To distract her, we sang her favorite songs. I could tell she was scared and did not know what was happening but she looked at me the entire time with the "I trust you mom but I am scared" look.

The doctor even commented that as an ER doctor, he sees, adults come in that say they are at a 10+ pain level, and here lyes a 2 year old, in obvious real pain, and barely makes a whimper. That's my Saydee Jo. But then, he and the nurse made a comment that surprised me. He said that Saydee's calmness is attributed to me. My attitude in not being completely upset about the wait time but also the williness to see to her needs, by singing songs, regardless of who is in the room. The nurse said, that she can always tell immediately how home life is, and based on Saydee's reaction and the way she looked at me during the entire procedure, that Saydee lives in a very loving environment.

Allowed me to reflect on truly what is important. Here, I was thinking what a terrible mother I was. Not only because my girls were in the middle of a construction zone where this could have happened, but also because we woke up early and started working. No baths were given to my girls, their hair was not combed and Saydee was still in her pajamas. I show up at the ER, only to notice how dirty Saydee's feet were, her shirt had stains from breakfast and her hair reflected the nights sleep. What a horrible mother I must be.

Only to realize that despite the dirty feet, Saydee knew she was loved, I knew what would help her relax, and we sang her favorite songs, which are "Monkeys jumping on the Bed", "Monkeys teasing Mr. Alligator" and "The Wheels on the Bus". Saydee knew that everyone was there to help her. What a great experience for me, in the midst of what could have been terrible.

She ended up having to get 4 stitches in her little toe. Two through the toe nail to bring it back to the correct position, another from one side to the other and the last one reattaching the top of the toe. She had to get holes drilled through her toe nail, to allow drainage. Even though her toe was numb, it was quite an ordeal.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thank God, for unanswered Prayers.

Yay, we just got back from Lake Powell with the kiddies. These trips with the girls are just so much fun. Seeing them innocently play, swim and live is incredible. Allows me to realize what is the most important and that my role as their mother is the most important role above all that I have in this life. It is easy to get caught up in the mayhem of life, worrying about what others think about me, worrying about what my body looks like, worrying about my past mistakes, worrying about who my true friends are, worrying about what's for dinner and even worrying about the never ending laundry.

While in Lake Powell, we made our traditional ice cream stop at Halls Crossing, and ran into the past. The first thing that I thought was, "Wow, she looks good", and then immediately, I saw it. I saw what could have been. I saw a life without Brandon, a life without my girls. That could have been Brandon's life, a life with a cowboy hat and no ribbons and bows, a life with diet coke and no fruit punch, and a life with 3 little dogs, instead of 3 little beautiful girls. Even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with that life, our life would be missing the laughter, the squeals, the dancing, the princesses, disneyland, the smiles, potty training, the dirty hands, running noses, sunscreen, the tears, bandaids, the hugs, tiny hands, wet kisses, all five of us in bed watching cartoons, and we would be missing the make everything worth it with those three little words..."me wuv you".

I am truly blessed to have been given this honor to be Samantha Kay, Savanna Rae and Saydee Jo's mother. It is humbling to know that God entrusted 3 of his most beautiful daughters to me to teach them, to love them and to honor them. Kenny Chesney said it best...The mistake we thought we made, covers the refridgerator.