Monday, February 16, 2009

Adorable things:

When Grandpa Bob was in the hospital, I took my girls up to see him and was talking to them about him dying and what things they might say to him...things like how they felt about him, what nice things he did for them, etc. And my adorable Savanna Rae, asks, "Can I ask Grandpa Bob to tell Jesus 'Hi' for me?" Savanna running out of preschool into my arms, screaming, "Mommy."

Brandon telling me when he has been gone on a trip, how much he misses my feet on him at night, even if they are cold. Brandon teasing me about everything and anything. Something breaking and knowing Brandon can fix it, can fix anything, My personal handy man! Sometimes I make him wear his tool belt without his shirt...shh. Brandon dunking over a boy with small man syndrom. Watching Brandon play basketball, many nights a week. Having our girls cheer, "Gooooo Daddy."

Saydee Jo's obsession with Snow White. Wearing her Snow White dress and shoes, everyday, everywhere, anytime. Having to sneak it away from her at night to wash it. And when asked when she turned 3, her response is "At DisneyLand." Saydee Jo saying "me want to too."

Sami Kay writing songs and always wanting to perform in front of an audience, her sisters. Sami packing her purse up for everywhere we go, not matter how short the trip. Samantha doing homework, practicing reading and coming home from school so excited that she passed off another reader! That gleam in her eyes that says..."I did it!"

1 comment:

Crystal Escobar said...

Hey Melisa, I just realized you have a blog. It doesn't look like you update it much though. You should put a new post on there so I can see what you've been up to.